महात्मा बुद्ध पर जब ये लिजम लगाया गया 1950 में छपी एक मैगज़ीन ईव्स वीकली में छापे लेख में की भारत में महिलओं की गिरती दशा का कारण बुद्ध हे
The most complicated things in life is relationship. Many strange things happen in life for example one brother is competitive to other sisters are enemies. Even if the children are indifferent to parents .suddenly one persons death in family is changing the future of entire family members cheating, deceiving each other.
Business rivaliery, neighborhood friends becoming enemies and some time is timing wrong for everything . friends become killer and dirty tricks in games .
Most trusted friend become the biggest enemy.
The most trusted aids turning the enemy
Why children some time kill other children these are basic facts but need to understood some people are successful every field of life and some are faile in all the field of life .
If we are able to gigout basic facts behind this behaviour we can make our life much better and fot this either you must have knowledge to deal with and the practice to handle all the bad situations in life .
In this scenario if we have friends philosopher or coach about that who has life experience then for sure we can have better life with less mistakes.
Getting help from experts is always wise that sabes lot of problems in life .
Learn the art of feeling with your relationship and make your life better in less time multiple progress .
Experience of life and reading good books van make you the most successful person in the world
महात्मा बुद्ध पर जब ये लिजम लगाया गया 1950 में छपी एक मैगज़ीन ईव्स वीकली में छापे लेख में की भारत में महिलओं की गिरती दशा का कारण बुद्ध हे
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