Of late I realized that knowledge of law is so important in life and without the proper knowledge of Law anybody can take advantage of your life, people are cunning and some one more aggressive then you will have all the advantages of you so keeping myself dumb until something happen in the life of my close friend and that introduced me to the legal field i thank that event made me aware about the legal language because this is going to change lives of so many women in this country. Finally knowing about law has become my mission of life and giving legal weapon to every women of this country is my mission.
My mission is to make every girl who so ever come in my way make aware and comfortable about law and at least know those arguments about basic things in life and what ever may be our background all of must know legal literacy this is the perspective I got that most of the people who excellent in politics and achieved highest level where they could change millions of people life is law and politics.
Law gives you logical mind and it reduces un necessary emotional way of thinking which is generally dominating way of women so legal literacy must be the part of everyday life and as well as syllabus from the beginning of schooling.
Women in India if given good understanding of law can save themselves from most of the crimes committed against them.
Women and children are most vulnerable because of their dependent brought up The best way is acquiring knowledge about law is as and when get time try to watch good you tube channels on law and read good books about family law how to get right to property how to get free education.
One of the biggest social practice in India is girls are not prepared for any kind of setback and un towards events in their life but the fact is they are going to get most of the setbacks of their life . they are being raised as dependent and only serving to man folk whether they get benefits security or any future protection out of that or not.
There are numerous cases where women was serving her husband for decades she made to stand in politics she scarified her carrier to make her husband’s carrier and after a decades of married life husband has gone with other woman so finally the service this was gave to her husband could not get her money security house or anything’s she has to start from the beginning.
Law is very important for women and my mission in life is to give best knowledge to the girls and women and to prepare them comfortable with law through the simplest means.
So posting podcast and videos related to it this website is going to give tailor made knowledge about legal and more over we get queries related to more advance areas of law then we will try to help through experts.
Law is the only thing need to be understood thoroughly and making women more self-reliant and independent this is really going to help women and men equally.